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Auction 137:


  Auction 107
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Author: Deuchar,D.

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107-2702 Deuchar,D.

Deuchar,D.The dances of death, through the various stages of human life ... from the original designs... by John Holbein. London, Smith für Scott 1803. Kl.4°. Mit gest. Tit., 1 (statt 2) gest. Portr. sowie 46 Kupfertaf. 2 Bl., S. 9-16, 25-32 u. 41-47. Pbd. d. Zt. (Best., Rckn. mit Einrissen). [...]

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Next auction 137

takes place in February 12-14, 2025



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0