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Auction 137:


  Auction 108
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Author: Willich,A.F.M.

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108-835 Willich,A.F.M.

Willich,A.F.M.The Domestic Encyclopaedia; or a Dictionary of Facts and Useful Knowledge...Chiefly Applicable to Rural and Domestic Economy. Together with Descriptions of the Most Interesting Objects of Nature and Art; the History of Men and Animals in a State of Health or Disease; and Practical Hints Respecting the Arts and Manufactures both Familiar and Commercial. 4 Bde. Ldn., Murray u.a. 1802. Mit 28 Kupfertaf. Hldrbde. d. Zt. (Berieb. u. best., Gelenke u. Kap. tls. mit Einrissen). [...]
(Küche und Haushalt, Hausväterliteratur)

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Next auction 137

takes place in February 12-14, 2025



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0