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Auction 137:


  Auction 125
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Author: Verepaeus,S.

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125-431 Verepaeus,S.

Verepaeus,S.De epistolis latine conscribendis libri V. Verepaeus: De epistolis latine conscribendis libri V. Antwerpen, Plantini 1588. 182 S. - ╔Angeb.: Estella,╗ De modo concionandi liber. Item, explanatio in psalm. CXXXVI. Super flumina Babylonis. Köln, Birckmann 1586. 2 nn., 123 num. Bl. Blindgepr. Schweinsldr. d. Zt. über Holzdeckeln. (Best. u. berieb., gebräunt u. fl.). [...]

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Next auction 137

takes place in February 12-14, 2025



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0