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Auction 137:


  Auction 136
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Author: Fabri,M.

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136-127 Fabri,M.

Fabri,M.Concionum sylva nova, seu auctarium in festa totius anni, pluribus, & ab opere tripartito diversis,... conciones funebres, et nuptiales. Ed. post plurimas ultima... Köln, Metternich 1739. Fol. 4 Bl., 438 S., 9 Bl., 146 S., 1 Bl. Ldr. d. Zt. mit Rsch. u. Rverg. (Berieb. u. best., Bibl.-Rsch.). [...]

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Next auction 137

takes place in February 12-14, 2025



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0