Auktionshaus Kiefer Steubenstraße 36 75172 Pforzheim Telefon 07231 / 92 32 0
Auction 137:
Auction 84
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Author: Clerk,T.
84-1770 Clerk,T.The works of William Hogarth, (including the"Analysis of Beauty") elucidated by descriptions, critical, moral, and historical; ... to which is prefixed some account of his life. 2 Bde. London, Scholey 1810. Gr.8°. Mit zus. 86 (84 Stahlstich)-Tafeln nach Werken Hogarths u. je 1 gest. Titel m. Titelvign. V, 2 Bl., 203 S.; 2 Bl. 96 S.; 92 Bl. Ldrbde. d. Zt. mit goldgepr. Fileten, Rverg. u. Rsch. (Berieb. u. best., tls. fl., Gelenke tls. rep.). [...] (Hogarth)
Next auction 137 takes place in February 12-14, 2025
KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0