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Table-talk. Being the discourses of John Selden, Esq., or his sence of various matters of weight and high consequence relating especially to religion and state. London, Printed for E. Smith 1689. 8°. [2] Bl., 60 S. Moderner Hldr.  
Lowndes III, 2238. Waters, John Selden and his Table Talk, New York 1899 (ausführl.). Wing S2437. - Sehr seltene erste Ausgabe. Bis heute erschienen zahlreiche Neuauflagen. - "There is more weighty bullion sense in this book than I ever found in the same number of pages of any uninspired writer. O! to have been with Selden over his glass of wine, making every accident and outlet and a vehicle of wisdom" (S. T. Coleridge). - Selden died in 1654 and Table-Talk was posthumous, compiled by Richard Milward, his secretary, from notes of Selden's conversations. Milward probably completed his work before 1658 but publication was withheld until 1689, no doubt because much of it would have been offensive to the Stuart authorities, who had been overthrown in the revolution and exile of the previous year. Sir Frederick Pollock wrote of Table-Talk: "It is a book to be known ... by everyone who makes any study of the political controversies of the Civil War and Commonwealth period or English political philosophy." In his Brief Lives 17th-century John Aubrey describes the writer: "He was very tall, I guess about six foot high; sharp oval face, head not very big, long nose inclining to one side, full popping eyes." Selden's advice to book collectors is often quoted: "The giving the bookseller his price for his books has this advantage, he that will do so shall have the refusal of whatsoever comes to his hand, and so by this means gets many things which otherwise he never should have seen. So 'tis in giving a bawd her price. In buying books or other commodities, 'tis not always the best way to bid half so much as the seller asks: witness the country fellow that went to buy two [shove] groat shillings, they askt him three shillings, and he bid them eighteen pence." - Der bedeutende engl. Jurist und Politiker J. Selden (1584-1654) "spielte eine wichtige Rolle bei der Absetzung des Herzogs von Buckingham. Im Dritten Parlament von Karl I. war er an der Formulierung der Petition of Rights beteiligt. Als er sich mit anderen Parlamentariern 1629 gegen illegale Steuererhebungen des Königs wandte, kam er für acht Monate in den Tower und danach ins Marshalsea-Gefängnis. Danach zog er sich nach Bedfordshire zurück als Statthalter (Steward) des Earl of Kent. 1640 vertrat er die Universität Oxford als Abgeordneter eines Universitätswahlkreises im Parlament (Long Parliament). Dort stand er wieder in Opposition zum König, indem er sich zum Beispiel für den Erhalt der protestantischen Religion und gegen den Ausschluss der Bischöfe aus dem House of Lords einsetzte. Er erhielt die Aufsicht (Keeper of the Records and Rolls) über die Archive des Tower und war in der Parlamentskommission für die Admiralität." (Wikipedia). - Wie oft ohne das gestoch. Portrait, Blattränder teils knapp beschnitten (geringer Textverlust bei den Kustoden und der Paginierung), im oberen Rand mit kl. Wurmspuren, stellenweise etwas braunfleckig, sonst gut erhalten.
Selden,J. | Bild Nr.1

Selden,J. | Bild Nr.1

Nächste Auktion 137

findet von 12.-14. Februar 2025 statt



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