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Auction 136:


  Auction 97
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deutsch englisch
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The works of that learned and judicious divine, Mr. Richard Hooker; in eight books of the laws of ecclesiastical polity, compleated out of his own manuscripts... To which are added, several other treatises by the same author. All revised and corrected... There is also prefix'd before the book, The life of the author, written by Isaac Walton. To this edition is added a large alphabetical index. London, für J. Walthoe u.a. 1723. Fol. Mit gest. illustr. Titel u. gest. Portrait-Front. LXXXVIII, 518 S., 4 Bl. Blindgepräg. Ldr. d. Zt. (Rckn. erneuert).  
Reibstein, Volkssouveränität I, S. 239 ff. Lowndes 1107: "The best folio edition". - Schöner, breitrandiger Druck. - Tls. leicht knittrig u. fingerfleckig. - Gest. Wappen-Exlibris Lord Viscount Lymington.
Hooker,R. | Bild Nr.1

Hooker,R. | Bild Nr.1

Next auction 136

takes place in December 4-6,  2024



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0
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