Auktionshaus Kiefer Steubenstraße 36 75172 Pforzheim Telefon 07231 / 92 32 0
Auction 136:
Auction 58
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Author: Vauxhall Gardens.
58-6823 Vauxhall Gardens."The Vauxhall Royal Balloon. First ascent from the Royal Gardens Vauxhall, Friday, Sept. 9th 1836". Altkolor. Lithogr. n. E.W.Cocks bei Parmontor, Brock, Ldn. ca. 1836. 24,5 x 16,5, Blgr. 35 x 21,5 cm. - Etw. knittrig, fleckig u. angestaubt, Montierreste verso. Sign. "C.Green". [...] (Varia, Aeronautik)
Next auction 136 takes place in December 4-6, 2024
KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0