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Auction 137:


  Auction 58
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Subject group: Clausthal

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58-4072 Lentin,L.F.B.

Lentin,L.F.B.Memorabilia circa aerem, vitae genus, sanitatem, et morbos Clausthaliensium, annorum 1774-1777. Göttingen, Dieterich 1779. 144 S. - Angebunden: Weissenborn,J.F. Observationes duae de partu caesareo et quaestiones de praecipius huius operationis momentis. Erfurt, Goerling 1792. 56 S. Pbd. d. Zt. mit Rsch. (Best.). [...]
(Medizin, Clausthal)

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Next auction 137

takes place in February 12-14, 2025



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0