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Auction 137:


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Lopez di Gomara,F.

Historia delle Nuove Indie occidentali, con tutti i discoprimenti, & cose notabili, avvenute dopo l'acquisto di esse. Parte seconda (= so kompl.), trad. nella italiana da A. di Cravaliz. Venedig, für Francesco Lorenzini da Turino 1560. Kl.8°. 10 nn., 306 num. Bl. Prgt. d. Zt. mit hs. Rtitel. (Rckn. etw. wurmstichig).  
Sabin 27738: "This volume is called Parte Seconda, because it formed the second volume of the series of Italian translations in which Cieca's chronicle of Peru was the first, and Gomara's Mexico the third. It contains the same matter as the Spanish volume printed by Nucio in 1554". - Fleckig, einige Bl. mit Randläs., hs. Besitzverm. verso T.
Lopez di Gomara,F. | Bild Nr.1

Lopez di Gomara,F. | Bild Nr.1

Next auction 137

takes place in February 12-14, 2025



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0
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