Auktionshaus Kiefer
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75172 Pforzheim
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Auction 137:


  Auction 125
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Gemmarum et lapidum historia. A. Tollius rec. Cui accedunt Laet De Gemmis et Lapidibus libri II et Theophrasti liber de Lapidibus. 3. ed. longe purgatissima. 2 Tle. in 1 Bd. Leiden, Maire 1647. Mit 2 gefalt. Tab., einigen Tab. im Text u. 82 Holzschn. 4 Bl., 576 S., 12 (d.le.w.) Bl.; 32 Bl., 210 S., 3 Bl. Ldr. d. 18. Jhdts.  
Brunet I, 1108. Graesse I, 493. Thorndike VI, 318 ff. "Boodt, who was court physician to Rudolf II, made the first attempt at a systematic description of minerals...", - Wesentlich erweiterte Ausgabe des klassischen Werkes über Edelsteine. Die Abb. zeigen rohe u. bearb. Steine. Mit interessanten Abb. von Instrumenten u. Werkzeugen zum Schleifen u. Bearbeiten. - Third edition of one of the most important mineralogical works of the seventeenth century. Thi is a reprint of the 1636 Latin edition with the inclusion of a Latin translation of Theophrastus' Book on Stones by Johann de Laet (1581-1649) and his own treatise on minerals and fossils in its first edition. - 18th century quarter calf, gilt spine with red morocco label. Very worn, damaged at head and foot, hinges split. Somewhat foxed throughout, dampstains in places.
Boo(d)t, | Bild Nr.1

Boo(d)t, | Bild Nr.1

Next auction 137

takes place in February 12-14, 2025



KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0
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