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Auction 137:
Auction 58
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58-4049 Bell,C.
The Hand, its Mechanism and vital Endowments, as evincing design. New edition. Philadelphia, Carey, Lea u. Blanchard 1835. Mit einigen Textholzschn. 213 S. Einf. etw. spät. Lwd. (Stark fleckig u. angestaubt, mehrere Kratzspuren, berieben u. bestoßen).
(= The Bridgewater Treatises, Bd. IV). - Garrison-Morton 411.1. Gordon-Taylor 56. Heirs of Hippocrates 1308. Keynes, Pickering, p.52. Norman 175. Cf. Osler 1994-5 (1834 & 1860 eds.). Waller 861 (1837 ed.). - One of the greatest classics of comparative anatomy and one of the first books ever on bio-mechanics. In answer to the Earl of Bridgewater's call for monographs in science illustrating the master plan of God, Bell wrote what is now considered the most famous, Treatise IV. - Durchgeh. stockfleckig. St. a. Reihentit. Bibl.-Zettel a. Innendeckel.
Next auction 137 takes place in February 12-14, 2025
KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0
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