Auktionshaus Kiefer Steubenstraße 36 75172 Pforzheim Telefon 07231 / 92 32 0
Auction 137:
Auction 72
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72-1454 Pogany,W. (Illustr.)
The Wimp and the Woodle and other stories. Los Angeles u.a., Suttonhouse 1935. 4°. Mit zahlr. tls. farb. Abb. im Text u.a. Taf. XVI, 180 S., 1 Bl. Olwd.
Greer 128 a. - Enthält: Kolnitz-Hyer,H.v. The Wimp and the Woodle; Smith,M. The Doll who was too sharp; Moore,L. The Town of the Clock Makers; Ambrose,B.A. Coppa Hamba; Harmon,M. How Santa found the Cobblers Shop; Muir,J. The Cardboard Castle; Smith Hawley,H. The Goose-Girl of Nürnberg. - N.a.V.
Next auction 137 takes place in February 12-14, 2025
KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0
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