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75-3250 Bryden,H.A.
Kloof and Karroo: Sport, legend, and natural history in Cape Colony, with a notice of the game birds, and of the present distribution of the antelopes and larger game. London, Longmans Green 1889. Mit Frontisp. u. 16 Taf. XIII S., 1 Bl., 435 S. Olwd. mit Goldpräg. (Etw. fleckig u. best., Kap. leicht eingerissen).
Czech 24. Mendelssohn I, 211. - "Portions of this book have already appeared as articles in the Field newspaper, St. James's gazette, Globe, Home work, Surbiton review, and Chambers journal" (Copac). - Exlibris.
Nächste Auktion 137
findet von 12.-14. Februar 2025 statt
KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0
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