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Auction 136:
Auction 86
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86-3491 Petersen,R.T. u. M.V.
Audubon's Birds of America. New York, Abbeville Press (1981). Fol. Mit zahlr., tls. gefalt. farb. Abb. auf Tafelseiten. 87 Bl. Ohkunstldr. im Olwd.-Schuber mit farb. Deckelbild.
The Audubon Society Baby Elephant Folio. - "The Audibon Society Baby Elephant Folio differs in many ways from any earlier edition of The Birds of America. For the first time since their inital appearence in John James Audubon's unparalleld Elephant Folio (1827-38), theses magnificent hand-colored engravings have been completely reorganized in modern phylogenetic order. ... However, the supreme achivement of this edition is the extraordinary quality of its printing and its faithfulness to the original art (...). Another unusual feature of this edition, is its full-color illustrated survey, in the Introduction, of the work of other major painters of North America's birds, from Mark Catesby and Alaxander Wilson (...)."
Next auction 136 takes place in December 4-6, 2024
KIEFER Pforzheim
Tel. +49 (0)7231 / 9232-0
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